Thursday, December 6, 2007

Come on in, the water is warm...

As you may have guessed, I moved to somewhere around Buffalo, NY from Boston, MA. It took me 4 months to find a house, and get this stinking internet access. But now, I'm too damn drunk to write. Come back tomorrow, will ya'? I promise, you'll pick up what I'm putting down.

respectfully subitted,

PS - don't piss me off.


Richard said...

Four months for one lousy post. Z, you are a man after my own heart, my brother!

CG said...

Happy New Year Z-

Let's get this bloggy thing a-chuggin' ok? We need your mork-from-ork-like reportage on the cultural bizarre-ities that make Buff the gem that everyone covets.

Love & guts,